Ontario Job Offer Stream

Ontario Job Offer Stream

What is the Ontario Job Offer Stream?

The Ontario Job Offer Stream, particularly the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream, provides foreign workers with a valid job offer in a skilled occupation the chance to apply for permanent residency in Ontario. 

This stream targets positions classified under TEER (Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities) categories 0, 1, 2, or 3 of the National Occupational Classification (NOC). It is accessible to foreign workers both inside and outside Canada, broadening opportunities for skilled professionals globally.

To begin the process, applicants must register in the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)’s Expression of Interest (EOI) System. Only after receiving an invitation to apply can candidates proceed with their online application for nomination by the Ontario government. 

Once nominated, applicants must submit their permanent residency applications to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), which makes the final decision on their status.

This stream is designed to attract skilled workers who can contribute to Ontario’s economy and meet specific labor market needs. By targeting skilled occupations, Ontario ensures that incoming workers possess the qualifications and expertise necessary to support and grow local industries.


Applicant Requirements

Applicants aiming to qualify for the Ontario Job Offer Stream must satisfy several key criteria to ensure they are well-suited for the job and the region:

Job Offer Specifications:

The job offer must be fulltime and permanent.

It must fall under a skilled occupation classified in TEER categories 0, 1, 2, or 3 of the NOC.

The offered wage must meet or exceed the median wage for that occupation in Ontario, ensuring fair compensation.

Work Experience and Licensing:

Applicants need at least two years of cumulative paid full time work experience in the same occupation as the NOC code of the job offer.

If the occupation requires a mandatory license or authorization in Ontario, applicants must hold a valid license from the appropriate regulatory body at the time of application.


Intention to Reside in Ontario:

Applicants must demonstrate a clear intention to live in Ontario post immigration. This can be shown through ties such as previous work or study in Ontario, property ownership, or strong professional networks within the province.


Legal Status in Canada:

If applying from within Canada, applicants must maintain a valid legal status, such as a visitor record, study permit, or work permit, until nomination.

Those in maintained status can apply, meaning they have submitted a renewal or extension of their temporary status before its expiration.


Expression of Interest and Invitation:

Applicants must first register an Expression of Interest and receive an invitation to apply from the OINP.

They must apply within the specified deadline after receiving the invitation.


Employer Requirements

Employers play an important role in the Ontario Job Offer Stream by providing eligible job offers to foreign workers. To qualify, employers must adhere to several important criteria:

General Business Criteria:

The employer must have been in active business for at least three years prior to submitting the application.

They must have business premises located in Ontario where the offered position will be based.

Employers should have no outstanding orders under the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000, or the Occupational Health and Safety Act, ensuring they comply with provincial labor laws.


Revenue Requirements:

Businesses in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) must demonstrate a minimum of $1,000,000 in total gross annual revenue.

Outside the GTA, the requirement is a minimum of $500,000 in total gross annual revenue.

These thresholds ensure that employers are financially stable and capable of sustaining the offered positions.


Full Time Employee Requirements:

Employers in the GTA must have at least five full time Canadian citizens or permanent residents working at the location.

Outside the GTA, the requirement is at least three full time Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

A fulltime employee is defined as someone working a minimum of 30 hours per week.


Reasonable Recruitment Efforts:

Employers must show that they made reasonable efforts to hire Canadian citizens or permanent residents before offering the position to a foreign worker.

Exceptions include cases where the applicant already has a valid work permit or the employer has a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

Recruitment efforts should not be conducted by immigration representatives to avoid conflicts of interest.


Employer Form Submission:

Employers must complete and sign the Application for Approval of an Employment Position (Employer Form).

This form must accompany the applicant’s submission, and missing forms will result in incomplete applications.


How to Apply for Ontario Job Offer Stream

Applying for the Ontario Job Offer Stream involves a series of structured steps designed to streamline the process for both applicants and employers:

Register an Expression of Interest (EOI):

Start by creating an account in the OINP’s EOI system.

Submit your profile, including personal information, education, work experience, and details about your job offer.


Receive an Invitation to Apply:

The OINP periodically reviews EOIs and sends invitations to those who meet the eligibility criteria.

Being invited to apply is a crucial step, as applications without an invitation are not considered.


Complete the Online Application:

Upon receiving an invitation, submit a detailed online application through the OINP portal.

Ensure all required documents are included, such as proof of job offer, work experience, and any necessary licenses.


Employer’s Role:

Your employer must complete and submit the Employer Form.

They may also need to provide additional documents to verify the job offer and business operations.


Application Review and Nomination:

The OINP reviews the application to ensure all criteria are met.

If approved, the applicant receives a nomination from Ontario.


Apply for Permanent Residence:

With the nomination, apply to IRCC for permanent residency.

Submit all necessary federal documents and await the final decision.


Important Considerations:

Deadlines: Adhere strictly to application deadlines after receiving an invitation to apply.

Representatives: If using a representative, ensure they are properly registered. Self-appointed representatives can lead to application invalidation and fee refunds.

Job Offer Validity: The job offer must be active when nominated or when the work permit is obtained and the position starts.

Following these steps carefully increases the likelihood of a successful application and a smooth transition to permanent residency in Ontario.


Ontario Job Offer Stream Fees

Understanding the fee structure for the Ontario Job Offer Stream is essential for budgeting and preparation:

Application Fees:

  • Greater Toronto Area (GTA): The fee is $1,500 for job offers within the GTA regions, including the City of Toronto, Durham, Halton, York, and Peel.
  • Outside GTA: The fee is $1,200 for job offers outside these regions.


NonRefundable Fees:

All fees are nonrefundable, regardless of whether the application is approved or denied. It is crucial to ensure that all information and documents are accurate before submission to avoid losing the fee.


Additional Costs:

Applicants may incur costs related to obtaining necessary documents, translations, and certifications.

Employers might also face costs in preparing and submitting the Employer Form and meeting recruitment requirements.


Payment Methods:

Fees are typically paid online through the OINP portal using a credit or debit card.


Refund Policies:

Since fees are nonrefundable, applicants should thoroughly review eligibility and prepare their applications carefully before submitting.

Are you considering applying through the Ontario Job Offer Stream but unsure where to start? Our team at SEP Immigrants is here to help guide you through the process. Contact us today to get started on your journey to permanent residence in Ontario!

Yes, you can apply for two OINP streams simultaneously. However, each application must meet the specific eligibility criteria of the respective streams independently.

In the context of the Ontario Job Offer Stream, a “streamer” refers to jobs classified under specific TEER categories within the NOC, not to roles like online content creators.

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