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Canadian flag with parliament tower

IRCC Has No Plans To Cancel Express Entry Applications

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser explained on January 20, that despite speculations on social media, permanent residence applications which are already submitted will not be cancelled and refunded. The Canadian government has recently allocated an additional $85 million to reduce the backlogs in immigration processes. Regarding Fraser’s explanation, IRCC is looking…
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Happy couple smiling together

Spousal Sponsorship

In This Article, I’ll Be Answering Some Frequent Questions Asked About One Of The Most Popular Immigration Programs; Spousal Sponsorship To some people, sponsoring a spouse, common-law partner or child seems no more than filling out some forms and preparing required documents! Let’s be frank! There’s A LOT more! What…
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Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream Draw

Express Entry Skilled Trades Stream Draw

The First Express Entry Skilled Trades stream draw of 2022 has been completed on January 27, inviting 1,032 PNP candidates. The invited candidates needed a CRS score between 381 and 461, who had submitted their profiles between January 27, 2021, and January 27, 2022. These candidates have 45 calendar days…
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