
Canada’s First CEC Draw of September 2021

Candidates with scores of at least 462 were invited by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to apply for permanent residence on September 14. The CEC draw was expected on September 2. However, it came later than expected. According to IRCC, currently, CEC applications received in January are now being…
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man sitting at airport watching plane take off

Canada Announced Details of Vaccine Passport

People in Canada will be able to download their vaccine passports soon. The new standardized vaccine passport helps border officers verify proof of vaccination more easily and this facilitates travelling for people, while we are still facing the pandemic. However, instead of creating a federal database for health information, the…
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emporary resident to permanent resident

TR to PR Deadline May Be Extended

The deadline of the program created this year which gives temporary foreign workers an opportunity to become permanent residents and is due on November 05, 2021, may be extended. The program may also apply to refugee claimants thereafter. The Healthcare stream still has around 14000 available spots to apply for.…
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CN Tower with Canadian flag

Ontario’s Biggest PNP Draw of the Year

In Ontario’s second draw of the year on October 27, 1406 Express Entry candidates were invited to apply for Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities Stream. These candidates have professional tech background with a CRS score of 455 to 467. One year of work experience in the following occupations is…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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