
COVID-19 vaccine being prepared

New Border Measures!

From November 30, travellers to Canada, aged 12 years and older, have to prove they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Also, fully vaccinated travellers (Canadian citizens and permanent residents) who will be returning within 72 hours are no longer required to do a molecular test for COVID-19 in order to…
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Prioritise spelled with tiles

Canada’s New Immigration Priorities

Application processing: Application processing times and delays are to be reduced. Express Entry: More international students and temporary foreign workers should become permanent residents through Express Entry. Family reunification: Family reunification should be possible through electronic application and spouses and children should be granted temporary status while they wait for…
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Two women discussing documents

LMIA, Who Needs One?

LMIA is required from most Canadian employers before hiring a foreign worker and if the job is not exempt from LMIA. LMIA is applied for by the employers and the type of program affects the process application for LMIA. The types can be as follows: o high-wage workers; o low-wage…
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COVID-19 vaccine in hand

Approved Vaccines in Canada

All travellers, essential or non-essential, have to be fully vaccinated to enter Canada, starting January 15, 2022. The final dose must have been received by the travellers at least 14 days before entering Canada. However, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will not be denied returning to Canada. But they will…
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Canadian flag with parliament tower

IRCC Has No Plans To Cancel Express Entry Applications

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser explained on January 20, that despite speculations on social media, permanent residence applications which are already submitted will not be cancelled and refunded. The Canadian government has recently allocated an additional $85 million to reduce the backlogs in immigration processes. Regarding Fraser’s explanation, IRCC is looking…
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