IRCC Has No Plans To Cancel Express Entry Applications

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Immigration Minister Sean Fraser explained on January 20, that despite speculations on social media, permanent residence applications which are already submitted will not be cancelled and refunded. The Canadian government has recently allocated an additional $85 million to reduce the backlogs in immigration processes.

Regarding Fraser’s explanation, IRCC is looking into “occupation-focused Express Entry draws responding to labour needs” to select those candidates who best meet Canada’s labour market needs. This would be unprecedented for Express Entry, which would help IRCC deal with labour shortages.

Why choose us?

We have been helping many applicants to become permanent residents for years and we have a high success rate. Our clients from almost 20 different countries have experienced this with us and you can be the next successful one. We know how to prepare documents and how to make your immigration process smooth and easy for you. Contact us HERE to start the process today!

If you are not a Canadian Permanent Resident yet and you are not sure what the best way for you to immigrate to Canada is, please fill out our assessment form HERE and we will get back to you with your possible options.

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