Express Entry

Express Entry Canada

Express Entry is Canada’s online system for managing immigration applications from skilled workers. It covers three main programs: the Canadian Experience Class, the Federal Skilled Worker Program, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program. If you’re aiming to become a permanent resident of Canada, this is the path to explore.

What is Express Entry Canada?

Express Entry is Canada’s system to manage applications from skilled workers seeking permanent residence. It includes the Canadian Experience Class, Federal Skilled Worker Program, and Federal Skilled Trades Program. If you’re eligible, you could also apply for a Provincial Nominee Program to boost your chances.

How to Apply to Express Entry Canada (Step-by-Step)

  1. Check Your Eligibility: Use the online tools to see if you qualify for any of the programs.
  2. Calculate Your CRS Score: Estimate your score using the CRS tool.
  3. Gather Documents: Get your language tests, work experience proof, and other required documents.
  4. Create Your Profile: Fill out the online profile to enter the pool of candidates.
  5. Receive an Invitation: If your score is high enough, you’ll get an Invitation to Apply (ITA).
  6. Submit Your Application: Complete and submit your application within 60 days.

Express Entry Eligibility

To be eligible for Express Entry, you must qualify under one of these programs:

  • Canadian Experience Class: For those with recent Canadian work experience.
  • Federal Skilled Worker Program: For workers with foreign or Canadian experience who meet education and other criteria.
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program: For qualified tradespeople with a job offer or certificate of qualification.

Express Entry Requirements

You’ll need:

  • Language test results (IELTS, TEF, etc.)
  • Proof of work experience
  • Educational credentials (with an Educational Credential Assessment if outside Canada)
  • A valid passport
  • Additional documents as per the program requirements

Express Entry Fee

The fees for Express Entry are:

  • Main applicant: $1,525 CAD (including the right of permanent residence fee)
  • Spouse/partner: $1,525 CAD
  • Dependent child: $260 CAD per child

You may also need to pay biometrics fees, which cover fingerprinting and a digital photo.

All Things About Score for Canada Express Entry

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores candidates based on:

  • Core Factors: Age, education, language skills, and work experience.
  • Spouse Factors: Your spouse’s education, language skills, and Canadian work experience.
  • Skill Transferability: Combines education, foreign work experience, and Canadian work experience.
  • Additional Points: For things like a provincial nomination, a job offer, or French language skills.

The maximum score is 1,200 points.

How to Catch Scores Express Entry Canada

To boost your CRS score:

  1. Get a Provincial Nomination: Worth 600 points.
  2. Improve Your Language Skills: Achieving Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 9 can significantly increase your score.
  3. Secure a Job Offer: Worth up to 200 points.
  4. Upgrade Your Education: More points for higher education levels, especially from a Canadian institution.
  5. Increase Work Experience: Canadian experience earns more points; update your profile regularly.


Need help with your Express Entry application? 

Our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in achieving your immigration goals.

Most Express Entry applications are processed within six months or less after submission. Processing times can vary depending on the program and additional requirements.

Yes, Express Entry is a pathway to permanent residency in Canada if your application is successful and you meet all the criteria.

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